
What are five tips for shopping online safely?

One of the best ways to shop online safely is to stick to major retail stores. Avoid making purchases on public Wi-Fi networks. Buy only from a private, secure Wi-Fi connection. If you're looking for more specific advice, check out our Gold IRA buyers guide for our top 10 tips when it comes to online shopping safety. Shopping online is faster and more convenient than ever.

Unfortunately, when there is a rapid flow of cash, it's inevitable that there will be people who want to steal it. That's why we've put together 10 tips for online shopping safety. With this knowledge, you'll be able to protect your computer and smartphone, protect your card details, and even save money online. Many of us have abandoned our debit cards completely.

Recent research indicates that up to 79% of adults have their smartphones nearby for 22 hours a day. With Apple Pay, Samsung Pay or Google Pay installed, you can greatly reduce the risk of having your payment details stolen. However, keep in mind that there have been some cases where hackers have managed to exploit mobile payments. This is an abridged version of our top 10 tips for online shopping safety.

For the full list and more information, check out our full article. You may not need to worry about pickpockets in cyberspace, but there are still plenty of reasons to protect your personal and financial information. Here are 10 smart tips for shopping online that will help you keep your information out of reach of people who are definitely on the list of naughty people. Updating software is one of the easiest things you can do to protect your information, but many people put it off.

Software updates are usually released to help improve security and combat new attacks that are constantly being developed. It may seem like an inconvenience to have to wait for your computer (or smartphone) to update and restart, but the protection benefits are worth it. The next time you see an alert to update the software, do so.